Lighting In Retail Signages

Lighting has a critical role to play when it comes to retail signage. Visual merchandising with proper lighting creates an inviting space to increase sales. The lighting in retail signages lets retailers create an impactful display that allows them to engage with their potential customers. Lighting makes the retail signages more enticing which holds prospective customers in their retail space, and may even influence them to buy products. That’s the real power of lighting in retail signages. Most of the influence purchasing happens at nights, and the brand & its space need a good visual effect to influencer a potential…

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Choice of signage used for retail branding

Retail signage is one of the first things customers see when they visit the Retail store. For brands to effectively draw customers in and direct them through the store in a manner that's efficient and lucrative, the brand first needs to become an expert in the fine art of retail signage. Whenever a brand decides on retail branding, one important choice to make is to decide on materials to use for signage. There are typically three broad classifications. We will discuss the pros and cons of them. Acrylic Signboard SignageFlex Boards SignageGlow Sign Box Signage Acrylic Signboard Signage Acrylic Signboard…

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Advertising A new – Life after lockdown

India has been among the worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic. And while the situation has disrupted individual lives, it has also wreaked havoc on the national economy. The much-needed lockdown added to an already worsening situation. Businesses, irrespective of their stature, had to cut back their expenditure, layoff employees, shut manufacturing facilities, and even cease operations altogether. India Cements, BHEL, Maruti Suzuki are among big names who had to shut down temporarily. Businesses all over the world witnessed exceptional slowdown. Amongst all this, the marketing verticals of companies went through a seismic shift. As consumers spent their days locked…

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A New We – Introducing Our New Look

There’s no doubt that this pandemic has crippled the world with fear and uncertainty. In a hopeful light, however, it has also slowed down our aggressive pace and bought us time to possibly reflect, change, innovate, and do better. This, for sure, wasn’t possible otherwise. Like all of us, we, at Hannu, found ourselves going through an insidious loop of negative news. But what we did differently is - we immediately started working on breaking that pattern and constructing something positive. Truth be told, we had every reason to indulge as Hannu had completed - a quarter of a century…

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