A New We – Introducing Our New Look

There’s no doubt that this pandemic has crippled the world with fear and uncertainty. In a hopeful light, however, it has also slowed down our aggressive pace and bought us time to possibly reflect, change, innovate, and do better. This, for sure, wasn’t possible otherwise.

Like all of us, we, at Hannu, found ourselves going through an insidious loop of negative news. But what we did differently is – we immediately started working on breaking that pattern and constructing something positive. Truth be told, we had every reason to indulge as Hannu had completed – a quarter of a century – 25 years of pursuing excellence in the large format digital printing industry.

At this point, we believe the core values – ‘Ideate Innovate Excellerate’ – that brought us here will take us forward too – by leaps and bounds.

For 25 years, we have never tried to fit our ‘ideas’ into a box and always given significant space to ‘innovations’, following which excelleration became a natural progression.

To celebrate our fair share of success and failures, this year we decided to polish ourselves in a new light and present you the transformed and best (constantly evolving) digital version of Hannu.

After 25 years of experience and delivering excellence, our digital journey has just begun. We have packaged Hannu in a brand new format and launched it on digital platforms! You’ll feel this change on our official website, brochures, social media, and overall brand communication.

As change starts at home, the best gift we could give you is the highest version of Hannu. We’ve invested integrity and innovation in our new website, colour thematic, design and pattern, and spanking new brand communication.

All through this change, we have held this news too close to us. And now that we’ve shared it with you, we’d really appreciate it if you take some time out, check out our transformation, and become an invaluable part of our journey.

our contact

H-27, Udyog Industrial Area, Rohtak Road, New Delhi-110041

011-47060986 / 9910092920 / 9910374687 / 9810611962 / 9810148361

hannudelhi@gmail.com / mdoffice@hannumarketing.com